Power plants studies

Lead by highly skilled engineers with deep technical knowledge of renewable energy power plants

Hydroelectric power plants

  • Design and control of design of hydroelectric generators (main characteristics such as electric, electromagnetic, mechanic, thermal, efficiency)
  • Erection works supervision
  • Factory acceptance tests of stator windings, excitation systems and power transformers supervision
  • On-site commissioning or recommissioning tests supervision

Photovoltaïc power plants

  • Design of the PV plant main characteristics (Installed capacity, energy generated, performances, curtailed energy, inverters capacities...)
  • Erection works supervision
  • Factory acceptance tests supervision of power conversion stations (inverters, transformers, cells)
  • On-site acceptance tests supervision

Wind farms

  • Design of the Wind Farms main characteristics (Installed capacity, energy generated, curtailed energy...)
  • Erection works supervision
  • Factory acceptance tests of generators and power transformers
  • On-site acceptance tests
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